What is it about the human animal that draws them to art? Eventually running out and asking for anything to comp the buzz. Even old gum in a pattern of a smiley face will suit them. Old ladies blabber on about “this is a meadow by some guy named Van Gogh.”

            Middle aged men with their sagging wives re-live the midlife crisis and search for answers of the divine. A picture of a hand and he goes on how “to him it expresses reaching for your goals and not taking BS and watching football!”

            Are there really any art lovers? Or just people who devote a Saturday to building up a high class image. That go and stare at art while their mind is Zen thinking about Monday, or failed hopes, or white fish dinner.

            Art turns me on. Photos and painting instill such passion that is a fire second love. A heating of the soul that results in a heating of the loins. People with problems getting excited should go to a gallery and do it right there. A sex-hungry love that is as true as emotions themselves are.